Measure Your Land: Simplifying with the Area Conversion Calculator
When you apply for a loan, whether a home loan or a loan against property, your lender will ask you to clearly mention the area of the collateral or the property you plan to buy with the loan money, in a unit that is a part of the International System of Units. If you know the area of your collateral in a unit that is used locally but is not a part of the International System of Units, a land area calculator can prove to be highly beneficial. An area conversion calculator is a powerful online tool that lets users convert the area of a piece of land from one unit to another.
In all parts of India, to this day, land is measured using local units. For instance, land continues to be measured in units such as Katha, Bigha, Ground, Marla, Gaj, etc., in various parts of the country. Unfortunately, these units are not a part of the International System of Units and therefore, lenders do not accept land measurements in these units. Using an area conversion calculator, users can convert the area of their land into whatever unit their lender understands. All conversion formulas are fed into area conversion calculators, the key factor that makes them a powerful tool. Let us walk our readers through the steps to use a land area conversion calculator.
How to Use an Area Conversion Calculator
1. Enter the unit in which you know the area of your land.
2. Enter the number of units.
3. Enter the unit to which you wish to convert your land area.
4. Click on calculate. Once you do this, the calculator will do the conversion for you and give you results in an instant.
Using a land area conversion calculator is quite easy. The user interface is simple and anyone with a basic-level knowledge of how the internet works can use this handy tool.
Let us now look at some reasons why borrowers must use the land area conversion calculator.
Benefits of a Land Area Conversion Calculator
1. The land area conversion calculator is quick and accurate. The result it delivers can be trusted for accuracy, which is very important when one is committing to a long-term commitment, such as a home loan or a loan against property. Further, the area conversion calculator helps borrowers save time and energy, which they can devote to other tasks searching for the best loan product and the best lender for them.
2. It removes the need to remember the different land conversion formulas, which is anyway a near-impossible task. All the conversion formulas are fed into the calculator and one must therefore only enter the unit to which one wishes to convert their land area.
3. It removes any chances of errors and borrowers cannot afford to make errors when borrowing money, especially when borrowing a hefty amount.
All in all, a land area conversion calculator is a tool that can prove to be really helpful. If you are planning to apply for a loan against property or a property loan, you must make this tool a part of your loan journey.